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What to Do if a Girl Likes You - How to Talk to Her

What to Do if a Girl Likes You - How to Talk to Her

Recognizing the signs that a girl likes you is an essential dating skill. However, it is only the first step. You also have to identify what to do when you know a girl likes you.

Wait too much and she might lose interest. Move too fast and she might be put off by your assertiveness.

As with most things in life, it’s all about finding the right balance. It will take some guess work, especially if she hasn’t explicitly told you she likes you. Hopefully, you’ll eventually figure out what she’s expecting out of your relationship. Then you’ll have to connect that to what you are hoping for as well. Is there a potential match, here?

No, it won’t be easy. Dating situations rarely are. But the good news is that when a girl likes a guy, there is a good chance she will want to date him. Your chances of rejection are much lower, and she will probably forgive a few missteps here and there.

So if you are unsure of what to do after she said she likes you, here are your next steps:

#1 Have Fun When Interacting with Her

Above all, human interactions are meant to be fun. If you think a girl likes you, she is probably close enough to you.

Even if you are not “best buds” with her, your interactions are likely to be pleasant and enjoyable.

And that’s the way they should stay.

There is no need to suddenly act differently just because you realized she likes you. No need to act cool or superior, nor distant.

Whether you are destined to date, to stay friends, or to remain as casual acquaintances, this will ensure that you remain on good terms and that whatever you do, you both keep having fun.

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#2 Try to Understand Why She Likes You

Is she laughing around you? Asking you to hang out alone? Texting you often? Good! Those are pretty good signs a girl she wants you to notice her.

However, while you may notice signs, they don’t always mean she likes you.

Sometimes she considers you a friend and simply enjoys your company. Other times she feels comfortable chatting with you but wouldn’t necessarily want to date you. Or she could even be trying to match you with one of her friends!

Before jumping the gun and asking her out on a date, try to discover why she seems to like you. Seek to understand where she is coming from. Does she already have a boyfriend? Is she recently single? Those are all signs that she might not want to be in a serious relationship just yet.

#3 Confirm that She Does Like You

It never hurts to double-check. If at all possible, of course.

Maybe you can ask a mutual friend, or even ask her indirectly.

Try a question like: “So, are you into anyone at the moment?” Her response, especially in the way she replies, should tell you a lot.

If you are still hesitant after her answer, you can follow up with “Any chance I would know him?”

Some girls will come out and directly tell you they like you. Other times, you’ll have to read between the lines and use your own judgement to decide.

#4 Determine What You Want and How You Feel About It

If you are pretty sure a girl likes you, and you feel the same way, you are in luck! Though this doesn’t always mean you will date her, a relationship is definitely possible.

If that’s your case, that’s something you can look forward to.

But what if you don’t feel the same way about her? What do you do when a girl likes you, but the feeling isn’t mutual?

Or it could even be that you are simply not sure. That happens too.

In these situations, honesty seems to be the best policy. It may be hard, especially if you are friends with that girl.

But in the long run, it will be better for both of you.

#5 Don’t Lead Her On

There is no point turning her down if she hasn’t asked you out yet. For one, it might look presumptuous and a bit conceited. But also, that’s a good way to spare her feelings.

And in that spirit, you don’t want to give her false hope either. Letting her believe that her feelings are reciprocated will only prolong her crush on you and make things more difficult.

Here are a few pointers to avoid leading a girl on:

  • Be honest and straightforward. There is no need to lie in an attempt to spare her feelings, as it will only make it harder for her to move on.
  • Don’t flirt back. Flirting and teasing each other is all fine and dandy when you are joking around as friends, but now that you know how she feels, it’s not harmless anymore.
  • Avoid activities that could be perceived as “dates”. For example, going to the movies, or to a restaurant, just the two of you. If something has the potential to be viewed as an informal date, tread carefully.
  • Anticipate her reaction. When feelings are involved, emotions are amped up. If you end up turning a girl down, expect some sort of reaction from her. She might cry, sure, but she could also turn cold, or even angry towards you. Don’t take it personally, be gentle, and stay calm but firm in your decision.

#6 Let Her Know if You Need Time

Perhaps you just came out of a difficult relationship and are not ready to date. Or you need some time to adjust to the idea of going from “friends” to “couple”.

Whatever it is, you can let her know.

This in-between is a bit harder to manage than simply turning her down. You want to let her know that the door isn’t closed, but also avoid leading her own too long if it turns out you are not into her.

Also make sure to tell her there is no need to wait around for you; she can live her life. You both can.

#7 Act Confident and Just Relax

If you already know a girl likes you, it means you did something right.

Now, don’t get too excited just yet. You might not need to get her attention or woo her, but you still need to maintain that initial attraction.

The good news is that your chances of being rejected just got waaaay lower. So relax.

And approach the situation with confidence. That’s a very attractive quality for a guy.

The girl likes you! There may be no need to be cocky, but you certainly shouldn’t act coy either.

#8 Keep the Attraction Going

No matter how attracted to you she might be right now, it’s up to you to make things happen.

A girl might not necessarily be interested in going to the next stage if she senses you are not into her or if she starts losing attraction.

Here is how guys lose a girl’s attention:

  • They act insecure around her,
  • Their conversations are all about themselves; or just plain boring,
  • Some of their actions can be considered “creepy”,
  • They clear their whole schedule and make themselves way too available,
  • They behave like friends.

To avoid all that, the key is to act with… you guessed it: confidence.

Confidence will allow you to display qualities that are attractive. With it, you will show more charisma, take the initiative, make her laugh, flirt with her, etc. The more you display these character traits, the better you can show your inner qualities, the higher your odds of success.

#9 Don’t Show Too Much Interest

It’s okay to let a girl know you like her back. But show too much of it, too soon, and you risk losing her interest.

We as humans tend to stop chasing things if they seem too easy. Just like a cat that catches a toy mouse quickly loses interest in it.

So, don’t drop everything on your schedule to spend time with that girl. Keep seeing your friends, keep doing your things. In short, stay the interesting person who caught that girl’s attention in the first place.

Yes, make some space for your new girlfriend, just don’t go overboard. It’s easy to do, as long as you don’t make her the sole focus of your life.

#10 Tell Her What You Are Looking For

Human relationships are finnicky things. It’s not enough to know that you both like each other, you also need to agree on what sort of relationship you want together.

Are you looking for a serious, long-term relationship, or something casual that gives you time to figure out what you really want?

The honorable thing to do here is to let the girl know where you stand. Then leave the ball in her court. She will be able to decide whether or not she wants to pursue things.

Tricking her into believing you want a long-term relationship when in reality you are not ready, or vice-versa, is only going to end badly for everyone involved.

#11 Give Her a Chance

If a girl really likes you and wants to date you, but you are uncertain about your feelings, you can still decide to date her.

Just be open and honest about the situation on your side. Let her know you are trying to figure things out but would be happy to date casually in the meantime.

Again, once you’ve told her where you’re coming from, leave the decision up to her.

Who knows? Your feelings for her might develop and grow over time.

And by being upfront since the get go, it will be easier on you two if things don’t work out.

#12 Avoid Becoming Her Friend

Just because she likes you now doesn’t mean her feelings can’t change.

If you want to date this girl, you’ll need to avoid the dreaded friend zone. It would be especially frustrating to be put there after knowing she had feelings for you initially.

So how do you do that?

By not acting like her friend. Stay attractive by working on yourself both physically and through your activities. Don’t tiptoe around her; show confidence in who you are. And don’t change who you are or what you love just to make it easy for her to date you. Let her invest in you.

The friendship route might seem more emotionally safe and less committed. However, it can lead you away from what you really want.

And if you know the girl likes you, from what you both want.

#13 Don’t Wait Too Long; Make a Move

You might be debating when the right time is to ask her out.

Well, if you know a girl is interested in you, the right time is now.

If you want to date her, now is not the time to hesitate. You don’t need to build the attraction or try to give her a higher opinion of you. She’s already into you.

Letting too much time pass will only make her wonder if you are really all that interested. If maybe she should set her sights on someone else, or if she’s even willing to deal with that level of uncertainty to begin with.

Depending on your level of confidence, you can ask her to get coffee with you. Or do something fun, just the two of you. And go from there.

It doesn’t have to be a grand romantic gesture, but you have to do something.

So, You Think a Girl Likes You?

Well, now is your time to jump into action. Even if she made the first move, she might appreciate you taking the lead on some things.

Not only will you look more confident and less passive, it will also show her that her feelings are reciprocated.

And remember, it doesn’t mean you should make it too easy for her. You can still live your life and work on becoming a better version of yourself. Just don’t make it impossible either, or she will quickly move on.

Now that you know what to do if a girl likes you, you can also see how to confirm a date without sounding desperate, or learn a few tips on how to text her.

Good luck!

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